Improving online experiences for stakeholders
Communicating business strategy online
walterwakefield have continued to work with Brambles’ over the 2014-2017 period to continually improve the online experience for stakeholders in an increasingly digital landscape.
Creating sustainable value
Consistent with the theme of this year’s Annual Report, Sustainable Value, Brambles continue to focus on delivering long-term value for shareholders, their customers, their employees, and the communities in which they operate. These messages were reinforced in the 2016 interactive scorecard.
Explaining network advantage
Brambles’ relative competitive position is defined by the scale and density of its pooling networks, and the additional services and value these networks enable the Group to provide to customers. This concept is also referred to as Brambles’ “network advantage“. These themes were explained in the 2015 interactive scorecard.
One business, one team
The theme for Brambles’ 2014 Annual Report was One Business, One Team. This reflected Brambles’ journey from an industrial conglomerate to becoming a logistics services company focused on their leading global position as a pooler of unit-load equipment to some of the world’s most important supply chains.
Integrated results reporting
walterwakefield integrated the Full and Half Year Results over the period into a Results Centre housed within Brambles’ Corporate website. This means the complete Reporting suite is available in one location year-on-year including a fully interactive business and financial review with webcast’s and key documents available for download.
Consistent messaging through video
walterwakefield offer full video production and animation services enabling consistency of message across multiple platforms, globally.