
Customer insights from industry leaders

Engaging internal communications

When WorleyParsons reorganised their business we assisted them to verify this reorganisation by interviewing their customers. WorleyParsons people heard from their customers what makes an ideal supplier. The messages aligned with the reorganisation.

Progressive roll out

Over a period of 12 months we rolled out a series of interviews with Tier One customers. We interviewed these customers in their offices, about their business and their requirements. The answers were aligned to the reorganisation.

Video proves effective for internal alignment

These videos proved to be a very powerful tool for internal alignment and also strengthened customer relationships. WorleyParsons were seen to really care about what their customers need and then addressing those needs.


walterwakefield has proven to be committed to the WorleyParsons brand, has shown great ability to understand our business at a sophisticated level and has always performed, at the very least, to our high expectations.

John Grill, Chairman WorleyParsons

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