Building a campaign theme

Discover. Conquer. Cure.

Neura’s vision is to prevent and cure diseases and disabilities of the brain and nervous system through leadership, excellence and innovation in neuroscience research.

walterwakefield assisted in the development of a brand campaign to communicate the vision. It is bold, emotive and ambitious and drives funding of NeuRA’s scientific and clinical research programs via a progressive fundraising strategy to make this vision a reality.

Marrying the language we use with the campaign

“Part of my legacy will be a number of well-trained, equally passionate researchers who will work to discover cures for these devastating disorders.”
Professor Glenda Halliday

“Our single passion is to understand how the brain and nervous system work and discover how to conquer disease.”
Professor Peter Schofield

“Neurological disorders are so devastating, and affect so many, we have to find a way to prevent or cure them. We never lose sight of why we do this research.”
Dr Claire Shepherd

Driving funding for new facilities

The vision of NeuRA is to improve the health and wellbeing of the community. The role of the Foundation is to make this vision a reality.

It provides financial support for NeuRA’s scientific and clinical research programs via a progressive fundraising strategy.

Maximising progress in modern neuroscience research requires us to provide facilities that address many concurrent needs.

Engaging the community

Neura’s research does not move forward in isolation, but rather with help from, and interaction with, the community.

Neura values its engagement with the community because it means we can share news of our progress, and allow the community to help fund or participate in research that immediately impacts them.

Interpreting the campaign online

Online is increasingly the most effective way of delivering a message or service.

The Neura website has deep content and the ability to make donations online as well as sign up to participate in research.

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